Project Participate, Strategies for active inclusion.Click Here to View Text Version
Project Participate provides school-based teams with strategies to increase active participation of students with diverse needs in the classroom. Project Participate offers speech therapy, fine motor, homework, cerebral palsy, physical disabilities, AAC, augmentative communication, communication, socialization, life skills, switch, choice making, communication boards, low tech.

Handouts & Forms

Here you will find training materials and planning forms to promote student productivity and team collaboration in the school community.  Use the forms to compose functional goals, document student participation, and delineate roles for team members. Expand your skills or train others with the handouts but remember, no part of these files may be reproduced, transmitted or distributed in any form for compensation of any kind, without prior written permission of Project Participate.

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Active Participation? What is it?
Being there is not enough. Students with disabilities benefit from placement in general education classrooms when they are given opportunities to actively participate! Often teams underestimate student abilities and mistake passivity for participation. This handout compares and contrasts active and passive participation to inspire teams to raise their expectations.

Ten Tips for Caregivers
This tip sheet offers suggestions to parents and caregivers to help establish a professional partnership with school staff.

Ten Tips for Special Educators
Collaborate, communicate and promote the participation of diverse students in the classroom. This handout describes simple strategies for learning specialists and special education teachers to implement in the inclusive classroom.

Ten Tips for Paraeducators
In the fast paced school setting, paraeducators are often in classrooms with students more than any other member of the team. This handout describes simple suggestions to help promote active participation and independence of students with disabilities.

Ten Tips for General Educators
Ten quick and easy ways that classroom teachers can improve active student participation in the classroom.

Ten Tips for Therapists
Follow the advice on this tip sheet for speech-language, physical, and occupational therapists and keep students in the classroom while meeting therapeutic objectives.

Ten Tips for Assitive Techies
Follow the common sense guidelines on this handout to help school staff effectively use computers and assistive technolgies in the classroom.

Evaluating Inclusive Practices
Use these tips to evaluate the quality of special education services in the classroom.


Quality of Inclusion Checklist
Use this tool to evaluate the quality of your child's inclusive services.

How Does Your Classroom Work?
Special educators can use this brief but thorough checklist to begin collaborating and learn more about the regular classroom curriculum. Take it along when meeting the classroom teacher to initiate questions and guide discussions. The "To Do" list helps with planning curricular adaptations.

Assistance Rating
Students with disabilities frequently receive credit for work completed by another person. During an observation in a secondary classroom, use this quick questionnaire to measure the level of assistance given to students to complete tasks. Remember, independence is the goal!

Participation Rating
How often is a student really participating in class? Use this form as a way to guide an observation of the student in the middle or high school environment and assess classroom participation.

Participation Plan
Who is doing what? Where is the student supposed to be and when? Who is supposed to help? Use this form to create a system of accountability and define roles and tasks so everyone on the team knows what to do.

Participation Plan Sample
Use this sample to help your team begin using the Participation Plan for your student today!

Daily Participation Record
Paraeducators and classroom teachers complete this simple form each day to document student accomplishments and maintain focus on participation goals. The Special Education Teacher can keep the daily record to assist in supervision of paraeducators, or documentation of IEP objectives.

Daily Participation Record - Sample
See a sample of a daily participation record created to help the school team document the daily performance of staff members and students.

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